Thanks to a generous City of Davis Community Arts Grant, World Fiddle Day will be FREE to participants and the general public on Saturday, May 20 from 2:00-4:00PM at Watermelon Music’s The Melon Ball.
The workshop will be led by Bob Wren, long-time fiddler and violinist and former director of the Sacramento City College World Music Ensemble.
The two-hour long workshop-session will include:
1) An hour session exploring various ways of holding and approaching the violin and bow to achieve different world music styles and sounds.
2) An hour “jam session” learning to play fiddle tunes and melodies from around the world.
Mandolin players are also encouraged to participate and should find the blend of fiddles and mandolins together particularly enjoyable during the group ensemble “jam session.”
The general public is invited to attend and learn from the workshop-session.