24 Oct https://www.sacfinearts.org/call-to-artists#!event/2024/10/6/call-to-artists-all-british-motoring-show-and-swap-meet2025-logo-design
You will find an unusual “Call to Artists” this month. My brother Tim and I are members of the United British Sports Car Club of Sacrament. The Club does a huge car show in Dixon every year and the PR for the event needs a graphic. Tim and I thought that Sac Arts would be a great place to get the talent for this art so please go on over and read the “Call” and participate. $300 prize to the artist who is chosen.
– Mary Hargrave
The United British Sports Car Club would like your help. We host the All-British Motoring Show and Swap Meet at the Dixon Fairgrounds every May and we need artwork for our posters, advertisements, and t-shirts.
We are having a contest for artists to provide next year’s logo for the event. The winner receives a cash prize of $300, free admission to the show, and a free t-shirt featuring your art. The logo can be portrait or landscape and must have our show title “Boots to Bonnets”, See it at the All British Motoring Show and Swap Meet. Dixon Fairgrounds, May 18th, 2025, our club emblem (the little round thingy in the sample poster), and “presented by”. (For those of you who are not car enthusiasts, the “boot” is the trunk, and the “bonnet” is the hood.) To see examples of previous posters go to UBSCC.org, select Car Show and Swap Meet, and then “click here to see several of our previous shows”. There is a six-color limit including black and white as colors. An electronic version of your artwork may be submitted to [email protected]. The competition closes on Nov 15th. The Show Committee will make the final selection. Remember that date and come to the fairgrounds and see 300 of Britain’s finest.
For more information contact Tim Waller at the above email or Mary Hargrave at [email protected]